expensive to install, maintain and run, and in context of climatic change, their emissions are not environmentally friendly. historical flashbacks and interviews with leading defense analysts and weapons experts help put the future in context. noteworthy feature is the emphasis on Ireland in the European context. "presbyterii ordo, principalis consessio" in the same context, and see iii. Nor is the use of context among the processes that occurs during an initial eye fixation. Context definition: The context of an idea or event is the general situation that relates to it, and which... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples This is a totally different thing from mere hunting for inscriptions, statues or other portable objects which will present a greater or less value in themselves even when torn from their context. The examples are provided for two different types of users. They regard knowledge derived from a business context as often transitory and of limited long-term value to students. As a result, much is taken for granted. The first day focused on globalization and decentralization, and explored the challenges of promoting participatory local governance in the context of globalization. But, how about a straightforward definition? Scholars and readers have debated on the stance that Marlowe’s play takes regarding the Calvinist doctrine, in whether Faustus is predestined to hell or not. The legal context will be examined, and the reasons for such legalese as warranties and indemnities will be discussed. These are unleashed in the context of state crisis where former loyalties are replaced with highly affective commitment to rectification of imagined historical wrongs. $\endgroup$ – … Orwell uses animals to explain history and context of Soviet Communism, some of which relate to party leaders. Your family is probably an example of a high context environment. (a) Traits appear which are wholly without importance, and upon which no stress is laid in the context, but which it was natural for a narrator who was actually present, and only for such a one to introduce, because he remembered them as associated with the principal events. Here are a few examples: 1. People in a high context culture such as Saudi Arabia tend to place a larger importance on long-term relationships and loyalty and have fewer rules and structure implemented. taxon ratios of different taxa within the context classes are given in Figs. What is said of this affair interrupts the original context of chap. The intention is to make students aware of the wider context in which formal accounting controls are set. The Renaissance period provides context for this play by Marlowe. The Astarte Plaques therefore depict the goddess in the context of her shrine. In addition to knowing the basics of a Forklift … Whether you work to personalize your messaging or just want to do something out of the ordinary with your content story, it’s essential that you keep your audience in mind when developing content ideas. In some cases the primary tumor in the appendix can be quite inconspicuous in the context of abundant mucinous peritoneal tumor. You may have seen that context and content are two words used in the English language that are often confused due to the apparent similarity of their spellings and pronunciation. Manipulation always appears in the context of communication and the manipulator's intentions are covert, albeit not always insincere. St Luke appears to have taken it over in sections for the most part without much modification; but in St Matthew's Gospel its incidents seldom find an independent place; the sayings to which they gave rise are often detached from their context and grouped with sayings of a similar character so as to form considerable discourses, or else they are linked n to sayings which were uttered on other occasions recorded y St Mark. Context illuminates the meaning and relevance of the text, and may be something cultural, historical, social, or political. As such he appears in a position to address an encyclical to "the twelve tribes of the dispersion"; for the context (i. 7 breaks the context; there is repetition in vv. Low context refers to societies where people tend to have many connections but of shorter duration or for some specific reason. Use shared_context to define a block that will be evaluated in the context of example groups either locally, using include_context in an example group, or globally using config.include_context.. 3 the fact that the words "of the Lamb" are an addition is clear from the context; for, after the clause "the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be therein" the singular follows, "His servants shall do Him service.". For example, if you have ever been to a family gathering, then you have experience with a high-context culture. The Primary keys for all the context lines are compared first, according to the collating sequence indicated. interpreted differently depending on context. Now they can be heard together in the context of this exciting new quintet. The extracts are often scrappy and torn out of their context. Oh yeah, and don’t forget to have fun! The research will identify the required features are required analyze the feasibility of implementing the solutions designed for fixed networks in the mobile context. teaching phonics in context: A critique of the National Literacy Strategy. That these places (in the district of Kadesh) were traditionally associated with the origin of the Levites is suggested by various Levitical stories, although it is in a narrative now in a context pointing to Horeb or Sinai that the Levites are Israelites who for some cause (now lost) severed themselves from their people and took up a stand on behalf of Yahweh (Exod. "taking the term as a simple prose designation of a wife. The deliberations of the 3rd plenum took place in the context of developments nationally and internationally which put great demands on the Party. affective dimensions of life do not appear in the context of objective, neutral laws. atelier style workspace and context for film, animation, socially engaged public art and design. developed in the context of the applications of chemistry. phraseology used by the learned judge is of some relevance in the context of his earlier findings. The dividing line between hard and soft X-rays is not well defined and can depend on the context. I understand that short pieces (anything under 500 words) are easier for online readers to consume. policy pronouncements by high levels of government are not a sufficient basis for reform without a supportive policy context. In the context of (constraint) logic programming, part of this problem reduces to figuring out how to query a program. The run 3 resource context was highly restrictive, while the run 4 context was very permissive. Except within the context of research, the uterine incision should be sutured with two layers. fritillary populations in a European context. ; and the narrative, now editorially connected with the context (v. For purposes of civil government the term "parish" means a district for, which a separate poor-rate is or can be made, or for which a separate overseer is or can be appointed; and by the Interpretation Act 1889 this definition is to be used in interpreting all statues subsequent to 1866, except where the context is inconsistent therewith. In these societies, cultural behavior and beliefs may need to be spelled out explicitly so that those coming into the cultural environment know how to behave. opportune occasions, which set matters in context. Context. HH pursuing an idea of an annotated bibliography to help put the content of IS work into the context of the subject. Forums and discussion threads have the advantage of preserving some semblance of context. A CancelFunc tells an operation to abandon its work. Setting guidelines can help in defining the context of your search. the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it: It is important to see all the fighting and bloodshed in his plays in historical context. Use the context clues surrounding the word to interpret its meaning. sociopolitical context provides a backdrop to an understanding of the wage disclosures in company annual reports. masquerade often express cultural concerns over change and upheaval within a specific socio-historic context. In the context of these summary affairs, Haig's approval of Morris's execution would have been relatively unexceptional. However tacit, transfer of knowledge is more complex in a distance learning context. In the context of livestock/arable farms next urban settlements, taking access to enclosed land should be deemed irresponsible. Difference between content and context is based in their meaning. In its original context, that of the Jerusalem Talmud, 12 the passage refers to the Greek translation of Aquila. S is the only variable. I found this thread with almost the same question as the OP. PhD projects are available for students interested in studying morphogenesis in cell culture or in a developmental context in the fly. notion of Britishness is more important than ever in the new context of globalization. conflate two levels of processing in discussions of context effects has caused enormous confusion among both researchers and practitioners. passages cited are clearly taken out of context. A table is used to map context identifiers to cluster centroids, each of which is represented by a weight vector of terms. In the context, Gabriel almost thought Darkyn was admitting to taking a mate. ordinal numbers express the second context of the order. ", Here " on its beginning " is set over antithetically against " to torment," whereas the context requires " to its blessedness.". annotated bibliography to help put the content of IS work into the context of the subject. The context of the religious debates was current when the plays were written and performed. abbreviated in this way, it does sound rather petty so please allow me to restate the context in which I made this remark. Example assets that demonstrate a specific concept or technique with corresponding documentation. Without context, readers may not see the true picture of a literary work. profanityan>more offensive profanities should only be used if absolutely necessary and within context. Humans communicate with each other across time, space, and contexts. 1. aspireresearch focuses on aspiring middle managers within the context of a formal postgraduate management award. soliton gates are discussed in a context of massively-parallel processors. For others - in Nakayama's examples above, the first one is regular while the others are not. 13 honorem = rc,ow, but ri uijv should here have been rendered by tributum, as the Ethiopic and the context require; in xxxii. High context implies that a lot of unspoken information is implicitly transferred during communication. Still, the context in which the quotation occurs makes it evident that the subject-matter was not the nature of particular species nor the spiritual lessons to be drawn therefrom, but rather the place occupied by animal beings in the system of creation. Maybe data mining really should only be done within the context of a clearly defined ontology of metadata. Tried-and-True Content Marketing Examples. They're better than lawyers when it comes to taking things out of context, and there are no judges keeping track of what really happened. In her introductory chapter, Bush sets the context for the emergence of female imperialist organizations in Edwardian Britain. Our science class is studying crustaceans, such as lobsters, shrimp, and crab. collider physics, particle theory is nowadays also studied in the context of the early universe. preamble of a treaty is in any case part of the treaty's context for the purpose of interpretation. Context High context. Text and Context "[British linguist M.A.K. means anything in the context of death and torture is ridiculous. Examples of higher and lower context cultures. Already by the time of its compilation the influence of Chinese civilization and Chinese literature had prevailed so greatly in Japan that the next authentic work, composed only eight years later, was completely Chinese in style and embodied Chinese traditions and Chinese philosophical doctrines, not distinguishing them from their Japanese context. 8. Context Clues: Example Sentences 1. The content marketing examples above provide some excellent inspiration for the modern marketer that’s eager to do more with their content. In the context of global warming there are a wealth of targets for action including legislators, corporate executives and the general public. The first section lays out the basics of the "wider organizational context" mentioned above. Learn more. In this context, we seek concrete realization of our commitments at the fifth Review Conference of the BWC. For example, in a high-context culture, similarity is an important characteristic. In theology the term "accommodation" is used rather loosely to describe the employment of a word, phrase, sentence or idea, in a context other than that in which it originally occurred; the actual wording of the quotation may be modified to a greater or lesser extent. Communication context will, for example, be different for a television broadcaster than for a door-to-door salesperson. In the previous example we looked at setting up a simple HTTP server.HTTP servers are useful for demonstrating the usage of context.Context for controlling cancellation. phoneme segmentation and blending in the context of sounding out actual words. Cultural theories of translation go beyond a narrow focus on language and examine the interaction between translation and the wider historical and socio-cultural context. To determine external context, you should consider issues arising from its social, technological, environmental, ethical, political, legal, and economic environment. But context is not only historical, it is also geographical, spatial. A communications context can be thought of as the environment or human eco … According to Calvinistic doctrine, the status of the people was predestined as saved or damned. For Harris the ability to value life and express preferences in the context of a future defines personhood. It is notable (and probably deliberate) that at few radon conferences are the benefits of marginal intervention assessed in a health context. The text provides a lively survey, puts pieces into context and explains the symbolism behind the designs. 22 must have belonged to another context, and later writings give in a later and thoroughly incredible form allied traditions. These dosages should always be reviewed in the context of the age, weight and general health of the person taking the tinctures. But the whole problem has to be viewed in the context of increasingly bitter club versus country divide. Group communication deals with groups, organizational communication … Develop methods for managing change within the e commerce context. Context menus are shown by holding the stylus down for a moment. The symbol for micro is the Greek letter mu, often written u in an ASCII context where this Greek letter is not available. Preview and explore these content types below. In A Blended Course For Training Forklift Operators. This will help you create a sentence correctly. The ESRC has supported the Forum to provide a truly interdisciplinary context for the study of genomics. A CancelFunc may be called by multiple goroutines simultaneously. The dates are listed in chronological order; they start at the beginning and end with the last event. But snack-size content may be more suitable. It is a highly interpretive notion, highly context dependent and highly volatile in its meaning. The context diff header takes precedence over an Index line. Her research is focused on consumer behavior in the context of mobile commerce. It is a language of the isolating class, in which every word is a monosyllable, and may be employed either as a noun or as a verb according to its context and its position in a sentence. Types of Context Clues - Example The context in which a word appears may include one or more examples that are clues to the unknown word’s meaning. vary the amount of context or scope displayed for each result. 6 Examples of Context Of Use - Simplicable. It is plain from the context that in the former definition " the natural condition " (n Kara. … context definition: 1. the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it: 2. the…. Context helps readers understand what they otherwise wouldn't be able to comprehend. Next, we’ve got a couple of content marketing examples that don’t rely on social media promotion. Meanwhile, Unabomber operates in a context of massive psychic immiseration and loss of faith in all of the system's institutions. lens flare, but the general photographic context of the image would suggest not. Here is a sample: Let context dictate length. For example, "customer places order." Celestial Excursions defies this convention by presenting characters without context. A cross reference points directly to any remote naming context. 2, and the context implies an earthly Jerusalem to which the Gentiles go up as pilgrims. develop methods for managing change within the e commerce context. The only area that remains contentious in that context is the debate on the Welsh language. Last year's Lisbon summit took place in the context of a relatively benign economic climate. Thus, by degrees, the reproduction of the original text became of secondary importance, and merely served as a pretext for the discussion of topics that had little or no bearing on the context. Within the context of lowland permeable catchments, a single site would not be sufficient to address all issues satisfactorily. Both tutors would then become experts in how maths is used in the context of carpentry and both be able to teach this specialism. (McLean, 2010). part-time program Context The part-time mode of the Masters program is spread over five phases (see table 2 below ). One of the easiest ways to build credibility is by displaying your customer logos on your website. 70-73 is closely joined to viii., the suggested transposition would place its account of the contributions to the temple in a more appropriate context (cf. There are two productions. Furthermore, the theory of homology decompositions was developed in a much more general context which will allow further generalizations. The second form of relativity might be called relativity to the context of inquiry. i I a certain Ethiopic expression = Ev Eµoi, which is a mistranslation of '; for '1 in this context, as we know from the parallel passage in Gen. 21) is too vague in itself, and is too isolated in its context to warrant the dogmatic teaching of universalism, although there are other passages which' seem to point towards the same goal. Moreover, not only are passages thus taken out of their context, but they are combined, especially when they contain the same words or phrases, or appear to have the same or similar thoughts or aims. Goddard 6a: 3. In the wider context, dementia services need to be considered. In the context of the situation, the statement made sense. A longitudinal study of students ' academic self-concept in a streamed setting: The Singapore context. evaluated in this context, providing input for this workpackage. In a high-context culture, there are many contextual elements that help people to understand the rules. It starts with introductory videos which present the objectives and an overview, followed by content which begins by defining concepts, followed by some examples, or explanations, and then a quiz. Each type and instance of communication will have a specific context. Number is never indicated when the sense is obvious or can be gathered from the context; otherwise plurality is expressed by adjectives such as sagala, all, and banak, many more rarely by the repetition of the noun, and the indefinite singular by sa or satu, one, with a class-word. The context of my work within the Australian higher education sector is a site of knowledge contestation. Central coherence and theory of mind in autism: reading homographs in context. It's equally instructive, however, to consider the event in the context of its host's career. Combining interaction and context design to support collaborative argumentation using synchronous CMC. Surely we cannot afford to ignore so omnipresent a human activity in the context of learning? dykethin the context of North East Scotland, the predominant features from this list are burns, drystane dikes and field edges. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit UI: Topic diff shows unified diff with unchanged context. drawstring (String, int, int ). Why hadn't she thought of his comment in that context? As you might expect in this context, this was a fast and highly athletic piece, ... just the fierce exhilaration of performance. Because truth is a value and vitally valuable, and all meaning depends on its context and its relation to us, there cannot be any abstract "absolute" truth disconnected from all human purposes. This report provides useful context and we welcome the call for better information collation. In the context of the model this works by mutual reinforcement. Old testament historiography in Its Near Eastern Context, pp. uninteresting stuff gets pretty interesting in context, so I included my thoughts in the form of comments. In five phase it reflects the interactions of cooperative exchange (top trigram) in a context of competitive exchange (bottom trigram ). He has illustrated the context of this play through the words and actions of Oedipus and other characters; as their Greek ideals concerning their governance, fate, and human relationships with the gods. It's hard to misconstrue a context clue when the actual definition is provided. 4 seq., belongs to a context which on independent grounds appears to be a later insertion. The Talmud, with a reference to Prov. In the context of the city's role as a great international emporium, we analyze how trading contacts influenced architectural expression. You can infer the meaning of the word from the context of the rest of the sentence. Be sure to look for context clues if a homonym is giving you trouble. A TOC gives a brief overview of what is in the presentation document. Seems to me a fitting choice of word in the context, even if it is imported Americana. External evidence is against this, nor does it seem demanded by the context; in fact xv. The components of the name-value pair are as follows:. A table of content example often abbreviated as TOC example can show to you how to make an engaging table of content slide in a fraction of time . If you have a plasmid that might be interesting to sequence in this context please contact Christopher Thomas. Dickens begins his novel, A Tale of Two Cities, in 1770, by describing the release of Doctor Manette from Bastille, before taking the story to 1793 and early 1794. Properties defined in a particular Context object effectively override those properties in the next higher level. Researchers have pointed to [22] the " distributed cognition " which results from collaborative learning within a shared context. There is a mention of Marcion in the same context, but it is unintelligible. There are CFL’s that are not regular languages, such as the example just given. In this post, we’ll look at examples of engaging interactive content, particularly posts that have gotten far more than the average number of shares. A-Z. conclusive for taxation purposes in this context. Within the context of family life, this causes immense pressure. European context Europe contains some 13,000 species of plant compared to some 500 bird species. Experimentation The system could be used in the context of a psychological experimentation The system could be used in the context of a psychological experiment. Essays need to be focused on one topic and present the material in a logical order. Edwina Currie made some remark about wearing an extra jumper which you have taken out of context. The legal framework for jurisdiction over patent disputes is an area of significant interest in this context. patsy used in the context of this module? It is necessary in writing to provide information, new concepts, and words to develop thoughts. These transition from the actual film into the animated storyboard, letting you put them into the context of the film. Peterson has translated Latin terms and added copious footnotes, putting the instructions and references into context for the modern reader. 21-23 in its present context is not beyond doubt (see also Ahithophel). Top of page How I teach the schwa Fast dictation I find this activity useful for introducing the schwa in context. Begin by talking to the students about a recent visit to a popular restaurant, preferably one that they consider a favorite. significance in this context than normally realized. context deadline exceeded Run Format Share. Sometimes one and the same word can change the meaning of the sentence, depends on where it is placed. Read the report. However, the context of the apostolic exhortation is always the grace of God. However, even when some interventions have been deemed successful, it is difficult to export these experiences to different context and situations. This context is found elsewhere in the Sibyllines iii. Whether "the elder" referred to in the passage on Mark, or some other like authority, was the source of this statement also does not appear; but it is probable that this was the case from the context in which Eusebius gives it. The writer now sees that it belongs to the text of the Similitudes though it is dislocated from its original context. In context|obsolete|lang=en terms the difference between context and content is that context is (obsolete) knit or woven together; close; firm while content is (obsolete) acquiescence without examination. An example of context is the history surrounding the story of Shakespeare's King Henry IV. trilateral initiatives without any context in the implementation of the Formal Conversations report. 2. 30), in a context which makes its metaphorical reference to his Gospel pretty evident.'. important in the context of an alleged competition law infringement. veritys set in the context of certain eternal verities which are the substance of our faith. Each essay is different in keeping with the subject you are addressing. More generally, the study is so short on context as to be almost hermetic. Paralinguistic cues What are paralinguistic cues in the context of text-based communication? novella in the context of the author's work. The Malayan Emergency illustrates how the British government grappled with the issue of political terminology within the broader context of anti-communist propaganda. The basic structure of an essay includes the introduction, the body and the conclusion. In the later context, the reference is to those outside the band where only outright opposition could not be tolerated. In Oedipus Rex, Sophocles presents his protagonist, Oedipus, struggling to implement his will against the destiny set forth by the Greek gods. Anyone who commits forgery in that context is guilty of a criminal offense. We have close, personal relationships with our relatives. Contexts of Communication. John's ' realized eschatology ' may also make sense in this context. argumentation in the context of synchronous online discussion. This project aims to explore the gendered global political economy of governance in the context of globalization. The same problems in a different context confronted the monotheistic religions of Judaism and Christianity. Example: 0n1n Here is a grammar: S !0S1 S !" 4 These two verses are a prophecy of restoration; they are admittedly an interruption in their present context (so, e.g., Driver, G. But the words have little connexion with the context in Isaiah, and may be the quotation of a copyist suggested by ver. Here are some specific examples of lessons in which the context is clearly set and remains clear throughout the lesson. The design and use of a simple computer model which simulates aspects of hillslope hydrology is described in a teaching context. In the context of the Berkeley students who worked on BSD, Evi's comments are considered canonical. A minimum rate for local government workers of £ 5 an hour appears.... The religious debates was current when the plays were written and performed by! Ability to value life and express preferences in the context, it is necessary writing... But context is an acronym for polyether ether ketone the covenant laws of J has been clumsily by... Be examined, and its Revolution during his time of art almost hermetic ASCII context where this letter... 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