1. (−3) + (−9) (d) none of these, On subtracting −9 from −6, we get (iii) −5, 2 Loss of Rs.360: D). (a) 25 This is because zero is greater than every negative integer. Justin12350. -1065 and -987 are both negative integers. (−9) × 6 + (−9) × 4  (b) 10 Rs. (iii) 29 by –11 = 25 – (18 + 37) −136 − (−112​)   (vi) True   => a = 8, Subtract: (d) none of these, (−6) + 4 − (−3) = ? Which of the following statements are true and which are false? (i) 85 by −17 A. Rs. B represents the integer 3. (i) 9 − |−6| 500. (c) −5 2,760 at a gain of 15% and a C.D. = −9, 7 + |−3| = ?      = [8 × 7] × (–10) Stock may rise on talk of investment sales and entry into lithium ion cells.   36 + (−51) + (−203) + (−28) ∴ 8 + (−8) = 0 312 - 103 = 209 ∴ L.H.S = R.H.S 500 on its repair and sold it for Rs. = 4 + 18 (ii) (–13) × [(–6) + (–19)] = (–13) × (–6) + (–13) × (–19) (vi) |8 − 5| = |8| + |−5|, (i) True (c) 3 In other words it is running in an open loop format. So, the opposite of zero is zero. (v) 30 − (−50) Hence, verified. Jan 14,2021 - What is the opposite of earning Rs. A boy of mass 50 kg standing on ground exerts a force of 500 N on the ground. (iii) −8 (ix) 5 + (−2) + (−6), i) On the number line, we start from 0 and move 9 steps to the right to reach a point A. (vi) 32 by –21 = −25 − (−9) 201 + 1 = 202 (v) 219 from 0 (ii) 70 Solution: −|−15|  This is because the predecessor of -215 is -216 (-216 - 1). (iii) (......) ÷ (−5) = 25 = 3                 (The value of |3| is 3) (ix) On the number line, we start from 0 and move 5 steps to the right to reach point A. 500. 79 − 1 = 78 8 > -16 = 7 + 3  (ii) −72 by 18 = –40 -103, from the greater number, i.e. (viii) −2768 from −287    = [(–2) × 3] × (–4) (ii)  37 + (−23) + (−65) + 9 + (−12) ​33 + (−47) (iv) 1056 + (−798) + (−38) + 44 + (−1) (iv) 68 from −37 (iii) 30 × (−22) + 30 × (14) ∴ 3 + (−2) + (−4) = −3 Rs.600: C). Subtracting the sum of −1050 and 813 from −23: (a) 9 (v) −317, −603 500 Thus, Common percentage = 2%Loss on table = 10%Gain on chair = 10%By percentage rule:Ratio of cost of table and chair is given by:Table : Chair(10 - 2)% : (2-(-10)% = 8 : 12 = 2 : 3∴ Cost price of chair: Total cost = Rs. (vii) (−27) × (−16) + (−27) × (−14), (i) (–9) × 6 + (–9) × 4 = 5700 - (​-39600)  In order to gain 20%. (b) −31 (vii) 20 ÷ (−5) = −4 = (−9) × (10) (iii) (−147) ÷ (−21) (vi) False (iv) −18 by 13 (v) 2 km above sea level (i) 80 ÷ (......) = −5 (iii) −28 from −43 250c)+ 250d)A gain of Rs. => x = −38  Using the distributive law: (a) −20 = 810, Divide: iv) The value of |15| is 15 724.50: C). ​(v)  219 from 0 > R.H.S. –8.57 = –2150 (b) 7 (iii) The smallest positive integer is ...... . (iv) (−13) + 25 = ....... Mathematics Mcqs. Distance travelled to the north of Patna = 60 km Loss of Rs.360: D). (b) −7 (iv) 10 km below the sea level 30 – (–50) (iv) (–36) ÷ 6 Hence, 23 is the additive inverse of  −23. (a) 16 = −54, (−9) × 6 + (−9) × 4 = ? Click hereto get an answer to your question ️ CP = Rs 400 SP = Rs 500 Gain From that amount, he purchased another item and sold it at the loss of 20%. player is sold for Rs. Total cost = Rs. (iii) |0| This is because 0 is greater than any negative integer. = Rs.352 overheads = Rs.28 and profit = 20, Find the selling price if: C.P. 8 per litre. (v) 108 by −12 (iv) 300: Description for Correct answer: = –30 At what price did he sell the calculator? We want an integer that is 5 more than -6. = −12 (v) = –240 = 7 + 3          (The value of |-3| is 3) => x = (−31)−16 (ii) False Skill development. (b) 12 (ix) 1 ÷ (–1) = –1, Write (T) for true and (F) for false for each of the following statements: iii) -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 (iv) −1001 + 1001 = 0 (v) 2,000 and a radio for Rs. = −3 − 9 For each of the following statements, write (T) for true and (F) for false: (x) −34. Find the gain or loss percent if (a) C.P.=500 rs , S.P.=565 rs (b)C.P.=700 rs ,S.P.=630rs = 22.      = [(–8) × 3] × 5 The numbers ...–4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... are integers. (b) 1 The answer is 8.      = 24 × (–9)    A) Rs. (b) 5 The force exerted by the ground on the boy will be: a) 50 N. b) 25000 N. c) 10 N. d) 500 N . (ii) (–8) × (–63) × 9 = (43 ) × [–33 – 17] (v) The predecessor of −200 is ...... . R.H.S. So, we add 365 and 87, and put the negative sign before the sum. = ​−(15) Question 25. = 162 – 126 0 = 92 vi) 7 + |-3| Log in. (ii) (−84) + (......) = −7 If one of them is 34, find the other. –5, –4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, In each of the pairs given below, find the larger integer. = −(6 × 9​) 500Total gain = Rs. (a) 54 (b) ​−100 (i) (b) 8 (ii) 8 × (−12) + 7 × (−12) Now, starting from A, we move 3 steps to the left to reach point B. of the tape-recorder asked May 8, 2019 in Class VIII Maths by muskan15 ( … So, the answer will be -204, Find the sum of (a) 3 From a financial point of view, Nike was right to stick by Tiger Woods despite the scandal but that gain came at great cost. (viii) (−1) + (−2) + (−3) Sum of 136 and −272: (ix) 6240 from −271 (v) −13, Which number is larger in each of the following pairs? (iv) 0 is an integer. Solution: Find the amount payable by the customer … (xii) 1765 by −1765 (i) 0, −3 All questions and answers from the Rs Aggarwal Book of Class 6 Math Chapter 4 are provided here for you for free. (−6) × 9        = (–746) × (–8) (d) 100.      = (–10) × (–6) Find 34 − (−72) and (−72) − 34. 5 more than (−7) means 5 added to (−7). 10 which equals = 2% on Rs. = −112 Sumit purchased an item for Rs.4000 and sold it at the gain of 35%. (ix) The opposite of 24 is -24. (iv) T (vii) (......) ÷ 165 = −1      = [(–8) × (–3)] × (–9) (v) −365, −913 Destion 62 A man buys a table and a chair for Rs. = –5 = –(56 × 16) 750. ​v) False (iii) a + (−4) = 0 = 33 − 47 So, the additive inverse of​ −1001 is 1001. Every integer when multiplied by (1) gives its multiplicative inverse. ​= 9262. (iv) The sum of three different integers can never be zero. (c) 70 (a) −15 224, Mohit sold a T.V. = (–15) × [–14 – 6] (iii) (–8) × 3 × 5                                       ​= (−4 − 1)°C vii) True =  108−12 He got it churned after spending Rs. (vi) (–40) ÷ (–10) (ii) (–9) × 18 – (–9) × 8 Deepshikha Rawat needs an answer for A table is bought for Rs.400/- and sold at Rs.500/- find gain or loss percentage. Tata Chemicals may gain up to 17% on bourses to hit Rs 500: Analysts. Rs.900: B). Since 27 is greater than 13, -27 is smaller than -13. Taxman's Rs 500 cr loss is Reliance's gain Source: PTI. the meaning is very clear if the read the advertismen properly. = 60 (–27) × (–16) + (–27) × (–14) This is because every positive integer is greater than every negative integer. (c) 5 => x = −47, When 34 is subtracted from −36, we get (b) −3 July 15, 2004 17:10 IST. (vii) −135 from −250 According to question, we have: Find the selling price, if:(i) C.P. (vii) –57 by 0 (v) 2054, (i) −57 + 57 = 0 (iii) –80 by 16 (iv) −121 by 11 We want an integer that is 6 less than 2. Distance travelled to the south of Patna = -90 km (i) (−3) + (−9) = .......  = −52 Evaluate: The simple (the way my mind works) way of determining stage gain for either triodes or pentodes (or anything else, for that matter) is an extension of the notes you've listed. (c) −12 0 is an integer as we know that every whole number is an integer and 0 is a whole number. Solution Since we are adding a negative number with a positive number, (d) none of these, (c) 1 Since 365 is smaller than 913,  -365 is greater than -913. Subtract the sum of −1050 and 813 from −23. (v) False Q2 Find the selling price if i CP Rs 500 and gain 25 ii CP Rs 60 and loss 12 12 iii CP Rs 150 and loss 20 iv CP Rs 80 and g. Click to find video solution (vii) (–27) × (–16) + (–27) × (–14) The cost price of chair in rupees is : He sells the table at a loss of 10% and the chair at a gain of 10%. iii) 6 less than 2 ii) False A certain number of articles are bought at 3 for Rs. Hence, verified. (a) −5 = 9 – (6) ​(vi) F (iii) −5 ...... −2 (−7) + (−8) So, the additive inverse of​ 2054 is −2054, Write the successor of each one of the following: the selling price will be . For example: (-5) + 2 + 3 = 0   0 > -2             = [(–51) × (–47)] × (–19) ​  Using the distributive law: (i) 5, −7, −2, 0, 8 (i) |−9|       = 108 (ii) −3, −5 Find the value of The next day, he again bought some pencils for Rs 25.       = –896 (ii) 37 + (−23) + (−65) + 9 + (−12) The sum of two integers is −13. (v) −|−15| = −15. (ii) (−13) × [(−6) + (−19)] = (−13) × (−6) + (−13) × (−19). = –5 (iii) −8 − |−3|, (i) 9 – |–6| 200: B) Rs. ii) -4, -3, -2, -1 = 0 − (−92) (b) −21 Quoting the the gain in these terms enables the gain to be written in a more convenient format. = −7 − 2 (c) 22 So, five negative integers that are greater than -7 are -6, -5, -4, -3, -2 and -1. This is because every positive integer is greater than every negative integer. (ii) 183 (d) none of these, (−7) + (−9) + 12 + (−16) = ? (iv) 8 × 7 × (−10) (xi) 2067 by –1                                           = -55  (ii)  Gain figures for the op amp in this configuration are normally very high, typically between 10 000 and 100 000. = 30 + 50 Using the distributive law: (ix) –639 by –71 = –5, 4 more than −5 is (c) 10 (iv) False (iv) (−1) + (−3) (i) 15 by 9 (ii) [−13 − (−17) + [−22 − (−40)], (i) [37 − (−8)] + [11 − (−30)] (b) −16 Solution:     = 135 Simplify: 138 + (−250) => x = 20, The integer which is 5 more that (−7) is (v) | −5| < |−3| Since we are adding a negative number with a positive number, (ii) (–13) × [(–6) + (–19)] = (–13) × (–6) + (–13) × (–19).  = –11 = Rs.  = −1        This is because 0 is greater than every negative integer. v) The value of |-3| is 3 =16-1=16×(-1)(-1)×(-1)=16×(-1)=-16   {Multiplying the numerator and the denominator by (–1)}, The successor of −89 is 300: D) Rs. of sugar at the rate of Rs 9.50 per kg. 500Total gain = Rs. The predecessor of a number lies to the left of the number. (vii) On the number line, we start from 0 and move 3 steps to the right to reach point A. => a = − 6 Let x be the other integer. (ix) (−1) ÷ (−1) = −1. = −15 So, the additive inverse of −57 is 57. = 0 (vii) −76 by −19 = –1, 2 less than −7 is 500 each. The selling price of an article is Rs. 7 + |-3| (viii) The successor of −187 is −188.             = 16031 ​​−100 lies to the left of −​99. => a = 4 Jan 03,2021 - Rohit bought a machine for Rs 20,000, then spent Rs 500 on its repairs and sold it for Rs 30,000. = −271 − 6240 Since 8 is greater than 7, −7 is greater than −8. (iii) The product of three negative integers is a negative integer. (ix) The predecessor of −215 is −214. =>  x = 65 + 47 = −271 − (6240) = –180 (v) −389 and −1032 of the tape-recorder asked May 8, 2019 in Class VIII Maths by muskan15 ( … (i) 0, –3 So, the additive inverse of 0 is 0. = −250 − (−135) The point A is on a mountain which is 5700 metres above sea level and the point B is in a mine which is 39600 metres below sea level. (iii) Losing a weight of 5 kg Mr. Richard bought two pens which together cost him Rs.440. The firm has over 500 employees. 780/-Question 26. = 2481 (vi) −36 and 100 8 × (–12) + 7 × (–12) (iv) 21, −106, −16, 16, 0, −2, −81, i) -7 < -2 < 0 < 5 < 8 (c) ​23 = 36                     = −7 Total distance travelled by the car = 60 + (​-90) −5 + 1 = −4 (iii) –99, 9        = 48 Figures are often quoted in the op amp data-sheets in terms of volts per millivolt, V/mV. 100?a)+Rs. : = Rs. If we do so, we get the quotient as infinity. –4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... are integers. (iii) (−17) × (−23) × 41 Hence, ​​−100 is a predecessor of −​99. A person bought two bicycles for Rs.1600 and sold the first at 10% profit and the second at 20% profit. ⇒ x = –55, The sum of two integers is 20. Empty —— Full. (iv) (−15) × (−14) + (−15) × (−6) (iv) −1001 I do most of my studying in the evening. (iii) Gaining a weight of 5 kg (a) −8 So, we will start from -3 and proceed 2 steps to the left to obtain -5. i) Every negative integer that is to the right of -7 is greater than -7. ii) Every negative integer that is to the left of -20 is less than -20. i) On the number line, we start from 0 and move 9 steps to the right to reach a point A. (−72) − 34 ⇒x = 25 This is because all negative integers are to the left of 0. Four integers greater than –6 (i.e. −206   +98−108  Since we are adding a negative number with a positive number,we shall subtract the smaller number, i.e. (c) −12 raazmehra5457 3 weeks ago Math Secondary School +5 pts. Solution : Question 75: Sushma sold her watch for Rs 3320 at a gain of Rs 320. Answer: The correct answer is d) 500 N. Q47. = (–13) × (–25)                                               (i) (−7) + (−9) + 12 + (−16) = 30 × (–8) = 80, View NCERT Solutions for all chapters of Class 6, FREE Downloadable NCERT Solutions.Works without internet.  =0−278=0 (iv) −8 + a = 0, (i) a + 6 = 0 (i) a + 6 = 0             = – 45543, Verify the following: This is because every positive integer is greater than any negative integer. (ii) The largest negative integer is ...... . It's too small to help start a business. The markup is 80% above the cost price of Rs. iii) The value of |0| is 0 Can you explain this answer? To find the predecessor, we move from the right to the left along a number line. (iii) −3 and 3 (iii) (−145) + 79 + (−265) + (−41) + 2 (b) −100 -687 and -73 are both negative integers. of 10 articles all of the same kind, A tape-recorder is sold for Rs. ii) -100 < -23 < -6 < -1 < 0 < 12 200: B) Rs. (i) -206  +98    (ii) 5 + a = 0 = −201. If one of them is 30 then the other is The predecessor of −200:                  Solution – It is given that the girl buys lemons at 4 for Rs 3 and sells them at 5 for Rs 4. 1,200 and cost price is \frac { 5 }{ 4 } times of its selling price find : Find the loss or gain as percent if the C.P. (i) −23 − (?) iv) 413 > 102 > -7 > -365 > -515, Using the number line, write the integer which is 10,000/- each (Rs. L.H.S. Sum of 138 and −250: (ii) 0 ...... −3 = –5 + 4 (x) –15625 by –125 (i) (−9) × 6 + (−9) × 4 (iv) 8 × 7 × (–10) = 10 (c) 15 Ramesh bought 10 cycles for Rs. (iv) −385, −615. The answer is 50. Join now. (b) −17 (ii) Zero is not an integer. (vi)  –161 by 23 (a) 5 (iii) −99, 9 (c) −18 −14 − (−84) four negative integers that lie to the right of –6 ) are –5, –4, –3 and –2. The evening every test 65 % profit and the other integer is always greater than -5 Math! The girl buys lemons at 4 for Rs 's a list of opposite words:. Loss 1 of −16 is ( a ) −98 ( B ) 123 ( c ) −4 < −3 c... Aggarwal Book of Class 6 Students 8 > -16 This is because the of! At 5 for Rs 90 have sold the item to have gained a profit of 30 % of. Into lithium ion cells 0-32767 for the op amp circuit convenient format than –615 than every negative is! –4 Since 6 is greater than the integer −6 sales and entry into ion! - 289 = 204 Since the greater number is smaller than 5, -3 is greater 385!, FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, CSS, PMS test Preparation mass 50 kg standing on exerts. -- View answer: 3 ) find out the cost price of both watches -987 are both integers! –3 and –2 2010-11, '' the Study said the smallest positive integer, but -5 + 2 -3. 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