The Southeast Asia would be fine once the US left. One Republican I talked to this week quoted to me from memory, indignant, something ABC News anchor Peter Jennings said on the air when Republicans finally took the House and installed Gingrich as Speaker. Newt himself was on Fox a bunch. And some of them are going to pause when they see him. Zoe paid the money back after she was nominated. His name was Massimo. You're on one team or the other. People somehow weren't syncing up their Republican votes into one Republican ticket. I want to say here, as tactical as Gingrich's attack on Wright was, from one perspective, this was an attack on corrupt, lazy Democrats that was long overdue. 729. People close to him say he always pictured himself as a historical figure, someone who would bend the course of American history, someone who anticipated stories like the one I'm telling you now. And he knows it. George McGovern was sort of the Bernie Sanders of his day. But there is another part of me that feels like maybe it changes nothing at all, which is weird to know that we are all living with this illusion of free will, but somehow doesn't matter. And she said to him, what are you doing? The contract promised to fix everything they thought had gone wrong after 40 years of one-party control of the House. But your son is never going to get it just because of some kind of technicality. Bob Berenz had a good job as an electrician. I said, no, just a moment. And look, I'm not saying, don't vote. Raise hell. It's different now. Act 1: Luck of the Irish – Ira Glass Act 2: Taxation Without Inebriation Act 3: Bad Morning America – Davy Rothbart Act 4: Function of the Heart Episode 307 – "In the Shadow of the City" . How does it feel to be part of a majority that's right? Shut up. It is broadcast on numerous public radio stations in the United States and internationally, and is also available as a free weekly podcast. And Gingrich starts claiming these special order speeches that were 10 o'clock at night, 11 o'clock at night. You're not us. By free will, I mean, when you're staring at the menu, and you pick the salad over the burger or any other choice you make-- big or small-- who you marry, whether you keep listening to me for another minute. You cannot maintain civilization with 12-year-olds having babies, 15-year-olds shooting each other, 17-year-olds dying of AIDS, and 18-year-olds getting a diploma they can't read. But that's the point. Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, my distinguished colleagues in government, this is indeed a happy day. Yeah, I know. And when you think about this day, you'll think about this father who came with a child. Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill being scolded in front of America. Coming up-- now, I would say that one of our co-workers got the idea to do the story you're going to hear in a minute. In one case that sticks with me measured and confirmed to an astounding 12 decimal places. OK, not Twitter exactly. I do not see how free will can exist. I was talking to him on the phone, asking if he knew any serious-minded, credentialed people who I could talk to and put on the radio. That's from the documentary Rush Limbaugh's America. And she said, why would you want to do that? Reagan's in this '70s, all brown suit, with a brown tie. Newt's striking at the top of the food chain. One afternoon, I'm in the middle of a big fight here. But they didn't pull him aside and say stop. Now, she only makes $660,000. A human is not just a machine. Act 1: Mexican Beach Doctor But at 6:00 PM, we dropped the mask and make it work. I feel like I'm deciding to say what I say right now. His book is called The Red and The Blue The 1990s and the Birth of Political Tribalism. And he interrupted me and said, well, buddy, that's just politics. I could just look out there. But when it starts, I can't stop it. But something happens before that-- someone. Back next week with more stories of This American Life. And he said, if it walks like free will and quacks like free will, it's free will. All right, Zoe Baird is in big trouble. So the entire premise of our show today is where there's a will, which presupposes that we all have a will. And one of them is one of our co-workers here at the radio show, David Kestenbaum. Anyway, years ago, Etgar's older brother was in the army serving in Lebanon. He was in Congress for decades and by the time he was Speaker, he was a living legend type. But it turns out that there are people who take issue with that premise. The rest of the House does not. But think of him as a producer, a producer of his newly-formed experimental cable news show on C-Span, how expertly produced this moment was. This is a man, who, I think, has had an astonishing impact on America. My friend Etgar, his mom does not take no for an answer. I should say, we cannot confirm the details of this story, including the dialogue between Etgar's mom and Rafael Eitan. The whole party, everyone in the party was, more or less, a socialist. And no, I don't mean Democratic President Bill Clinton, though, you could certainly argue that that is why Newt gets his wish. Jan. 8, 2021. This is in Rome. I remember it well. But Republicans were still a minority in the House. So while it feels like we could choose this or maybe that, the truth is, some set of events mechanically led to our final decision. He ran for Congress twice in West Georgia, lost, and then finally won a seat in the House in 1978 with a 1778 attitude, like there was a revolution on, and the country's very existence was at stake. He wanted to fight, and the weapon he used was the media. Are you threatening me? The gentleman from Georgia, Mr. Gingrich, is recognized for 60 minutes. Watching it, it's like a surreal Beckett play. And Shira said, let's go. It's in the machinery. Part two of our program on Harper High School in Chicago, where in the last year 29 current and recent students were shot. This is so exciting. Four months after they agreed to work together, the Monica Lewinsky story broke. Oh, I don't know, maybe four or five times an hour. Shut up now. Please, unzip the outside pocket of it, and see if there are crackers in it with a Hebrew writing on the package of crackers. Give to charity. Just shut up. This time, the chamber is packed with congressmen and reporters both. The mom who yells at the army general couldn't have done it any other way. But it doesn't actually erase the words from the historical record. We've arrived at Act Two of our program. Now anyone can see for themselves what's going on in Congress if they want to. He would say he had no choice about that or, for that matter, about anything ever in his life. Act 1: Do You Hear What I Hear? How often do you find yourself thinking about it? I know a good joke to make here. Democrats were about this. Shut up. And most of them had stopped imagining it could be any other way. What is the connection between This American Life and Matt Damon? That seems-- I can't give that up. You know, he and I ended up at this fancy party at the Kardashians' last week. Now was the time. And I said to the woman, look, don't give me the bag, but just do this kind of thing. And Newt Gingrich is at the center of the room, like a conductor, pointing from one guy to the next guy, doling out time, as the Speaker gets red in the face and yells over the room. They're not there. She is also a contributor to the podcast This American Life.. As part of the 2016 New York City Mormon Transitions Retreat Elna shares experiences regarding … Directed by David Stern. And I said, do you think our brains are made up of neurons and axons and things? And it's the lowest thing that I've ever seen in my 32 years in Congress. And please excuse the lecturing quality of this. You'll have this elderly lady sitting in the first row, shouting at you, accusing you of any bad things that you might have made and maybe of some bad things that you've never made. I see the gentleman from California, Mr. Coelho, was standing in the back of the chamber just a moment ago. He gets the potential of that before anybody else. And at that stage, he hung up the phone in her face. I was just talking to people backstage. That's his intention. So comes the day. Just like he worked really hard to make every Democrat into George McGovern, the campaign that the Republicans ran tried to make every Democrat into a caravan-loving, Kavanaugh-hating Nancy Pelosi. Thanks, as always, to our program's co-founder Mr. Torey Malatia. He's railing against this. No, the point is that operationally, we appear to have free will. After, he said it was like opening up the hard drive of his mind and seeing inside. And the story is covered on the nightly news. And I really think that this has to do with something very kind of primal that when I was a little child, my parents were both Holocaust survivors. But there are many stories of Etgar's mom doing things like this. It's been on my mind because I was wondering if I should talk about it on the show today. One of the questions I was asked as the reporters were peppering me was, do you think Newt will moderate his stance now that he is the Speaker of the House? So you have to kind of tell them things a few times, maybe slap them around a little. We got along. The political environment he'd willed into creation had spit him out. Why is she out there hiring illegal aliens? It seems unlikely. If I stop and really think about it, I get slightly panicked. And I said to her, but I go to Israel. Rush doesn't sound like a nerdy YouTube professor. That's not who he is. The zealots on both teams would punish you for working with the other side. And she started calling--. Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard. I'm threatening you. Be Italian. Lots of C-Span watchers today understand the congressmen are putting on a performance. Nice to be with all of you extremists tonight. Just say it out loud-- magic or God. But it's especially fitting that so many of us from so many different backgrounds-- young and old, the working and the retired, Democrat and Republican-- should come together for the signing of this landmark legislation. And she said to him, listen, General Eitan, I know that you're fighting a war. And then through sheer force of will, he makes things happen boldly, heroically. Again it's just the idea that here's this clubby, elite, arrogant institution that the corrupt Democrat machine is powering. A friend of mine had this experience where he kind of got to test this out. Lamb the Sham. He turned on C-Span. Here's Tip O'Neill. You should vote. They're really adorable. They live lives of privilege you can't imagine. Choose our representatives? It was gridlock politics. In the backpack was Etgar's iPad, which had all of his son's games on it. I mean, I guess it's possible. It turns out there is this one friend of our family-- hey, Stu-- who also does not see how free will can exist. Jan. 1, 2021. They're on their way home. It was captured on video, and now you can own the DVD. The wars that Gingrich dreamed of are starting to materialize. When we got Etgar's mom, she said, sure, whatever Etgar says. Free will is the idea that you really get to pick. And I said, better not. Sapolsky brought of this famous experiment. And I called him, and I said, Tip, I thought we had a relationship here, where we could do business together. This American Life is produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago and delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange. Making the Cut. It's a lot, and they're intense. But Limbaugh sharpened the Us vs. For instance, all those decisions you've made because you're a good person, all those things you're proud of-- don't be so proud. I see in so many hearts and faces the desire to poison the water and the air. And the chief of staff is the head of the army? When Cooperation Doesn’t Get You What You Want, 511: The Seven Things You’re Not Supposed to Talk About. He was heavily anti-political correctness. It's just such a crazy-making idea, you know? He is a liar. Gingrich was a weird, nerdy kid growing up. That doesn't faze me anymore. And she was beginning to say, sir, I'm not going to give you anything. This is a turning point for Newt Gingrich. rational explanation about what Tide does to their strawberry stains on their shirts. And what they're hearing is he's not giving a dry speech about and now, if I can direct your attention to subsection 3 of the agriculture funding-- he's giving these grand speeches about American politics, and an American identity, and the corrupt Democrat machine. 662: Where There Is a Will. Episode 515 – "Good Guys" . But we didn't always have two teams like we do now. It seems like we have free will. This is how you think about it too, right, that we can't possibly have free will? He's now the Pied Piper, and other Republicans start rallying to his causes. I love the machine that is my wife and my two little machines. The words free will don't even appear until page 580. He gets that. We've always had two parties. They've got a plane to catch. Etgar's Israeli. And in the end, she found herself speaking to the head general, Rafael Eitan, who is one of Israel's most famous kind of war heroes. This all sets up a wild showdown between Newt and the Speaker Tip O'Neill. Don't talk about it anymore. This American Life is a weekly public radio program and podcast. And then that stopped. So you ask this question, can there be free will? And Lebanon's close, just next door to Israel. Stay with us. September 6, 2020 • For the holiday weekend, a roadtrip through history. I don't want to repeat it. Was he just avoiding coming out and saying it, like I've been? And Massimo said to me, look at me. Wright defends himself petulantly on the House floor. He reads a story in the Washington Post about the new Speaker getting $0.50 on the dollar for every one of his books he's selling. You sign up for one issue-- the wall, the Mueller investigation, Colin Kaepernick, climate change-- you basically sign up for all of them. I don't know why I'm thinking about this now. And he'd say, you don't have a choice either. What an honor. You're not us. Newt believed there was a Republican majority out there. 662: Where There Is a Will. At the time, an impossible dream. Thank you, Mr. President. You were looking at the menu. And now, as a special treat, I would like to ask two of our leaders from Congress. Foucauldian ?] He thinks it'll rally the Republicans in the House. It's The Rush Limbaugh Program. Check out #662 - Where There Is a Will by This American Life on Amazon Music. This American Life: Ira Glass, Johnny Depp, Ira Glass, Christopher Wilcha, Kevin Vargas, Ira Glass, Banks Tarver, Christine Vachon I'm sorry. And I called Rush Limbaugh's program director, and I said, here is exactly what's going on. There is no way to get out of an existential morass if you start really thinking about this stuff. Now, I have a couple of points about this I want to make that I don't think anybody else has made, except me in other places. Jim Wright painted his resignation as a sacrifice on the altar of civility. And she said to him, if you don't get the bag back, I'm going to call airport security, and they're going to arrest you. There are situations when my wife just says to me, just shut up. It's a storm of whitewater, Hillarycare, government shutdown, Vince Foster, impeachment proceedings. When I came here, a congressman's word was a congressman's word, and that mattered for something. And ask them why. Because I'm a very good liar. He wasn't getting any leave. As insults go, in the US House, circa 1984, this is big, so big, Trent Lott, Republican from Mississippi, standing near the Speaker says, I move we take the Speaker's words down. The Speaker of the House basically promotes Gingrich's late night program. Yeah. And they called the airline. I want people to notice this around the country. Don't talk about it anymore. But she decided that she needs to speak to the chief of staff. This American Life is an American weekly hour-long radio program produced by WBEZ and hosted by Ira Glass. Be kind. The airline says, no problem. It's more of a pamphlet than a book, actually, but it's a way to give the congressman backdoor donations. Just trace that thing back. In both cases, you're going to be very exposed. They wanted to cement their legacies as great men of history. (34 minutes), Producer David Kestenbaum took issue with the entire premise of today’s show, and explains why. I'm Ira Glass. And he stands in the back of the chamber now smiling. There's lots of stuff they don't know. This American Life. And people in Congress can speak to anyone on the outside. They're not listening to this. But Newt Gingrich, that's the nerve of politics that Newt Gingrich is just conditioned to look for. 716: Trail of Tears. And then she asked to speak with that person's superior. Act 2: Sunrise, Sun-Get Act 3: They Love a Man in a Uniform Episode 517 – "Day at the Beach" . She did the same thing with that person and then that person's superior. Here's Democrat Dick Gephardt handing over the gavel. It's one of these things when you start to talk about things that you don't want to think about that you sort of hope that magic comes in some way. Primarily a journalistic non-fiction program, it has also featured essays, memoirs, field recordings, short fiction, and found footage. She was at lunch when this conversation happened. And who knows what they're going to come up with. She says to Etgar, she needs a letter from the airline saying he was on the same flight as the backpack. I want to pick up where Mr. Walker left off on the document entitled What's the Matter with the Democratic Foreign Policy by Mr. Frank Gregorsky. The two were able to come together and talk, compromise, and pass legislation. This speechifying made the Speaker of the House furious. 1,716 talking about this. Don't do that again. Republicans in Congress are galvanized by Wright's fall and Newt's tactics to get him out. This American Life is produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago and delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange. I talked to her for the show when I was grappling with the possibility that we might be alone in the universe. But briefly, there are only four basic forces in the world-- gravity, electromagnetism, and two others, the strong force and the weak force, the first holds atomic nuclei together. Time is getting short. We are subject to the forces of nature, not one of them. I'm fine with the big bang and that all of existence came from a tiny point. So we start today with a guy, who-- I don't want to overstate this, and it sounds really big when you say this out loud, but I really think it might be the truth-- a guy who, with sheer force of will, utterly changed our politics and created the political world we live in today, alongside a second man who helped him. The next afternoon, Etgar's brother arrived home. Rush Limbaugh was the perfect tool for Newt's mission. That was not done. air date: 2017-01-20; Episode 609 – "It’s Working Out Very Nicely" . A muscle did something. The Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill asking Gingrich to yield, so he can say something. Something deep and powerful kicks in inside him. She said, sir, I'm not going to give you the bag without the letter. Please check the corresponding audio before quoting in print. In God's name, that's not what this institution's supposed to be all about. Shut up. There were anti-corruption measures targeted at the Congress itself, plus a slate of 10 proposals to balance the budget, cut welfare, do tougher sentencing, lower taxes, basically, a limited government, law-and-order agenda. Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing This American Life (2008) near you. Rush Limbaugh was the opener for Trump's last rally before the midterm vote. Newt gets his ethics investigation into the Speaker's behavior. They disagreed profoundly about a lot of stuff. And she said, yes, I'm a parent. From his teenage years, he thought this way. There was a time she threatened a mugger so effectively that he abandoned the idea of mugging her in the middle of the mugging. Anyone else starting with your atoms in the same place would have done the same thing. The Democrats were amoral, welfare state-loving, politically correct feminists. One of the lawmakers is looking very Soviet in his big coat and fur collar. It seems inescapable though. I mean, this is widespread. In actuality, I don't think there is room for the slightest bit of free will out there. The nation can't be run by an angry 2-year-old. And Rush went straight into talking about it. Melissa is actually OK with the idea of not having free will. And I think, even a couple of years earlier with Tip O'Neill, that would have happened. That it was split into two clear camps. Show me one neuron that has some cellular semblance of free will. Let me say upfront, I realize the ridiculous, late-night, college-dorm-room nature of what I'm about to say, but here it is. He has an army of Republicans falling in line using the same language that they're going into battle-- he has media attention. It wasn't just the majority they'd gotten. His wife said, you fell and hit your head. Etgar explained her strategy was simple. But the rule doesn't say it was wrong. The clerk reads out the offending speech once again so that the Chair can decide what to do about it. And Nancy and I had Tip and his wife over for dinner. His arrival in the House coincides with a historic moment in the house, and that is the first television camera is placed in the chamber in 1979-- his first year there. Give me the bag. And he starts claiming there's this rule in the house that at the close of business and any day, any member can claim the floor for any reason they want for pretty much any amount of time they want. This American Life (TAL) is an American weekly hour-long radio program produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media and hosted by Ira Glass. He set the standard for political talk radio. He's giving his monologue on the decay of the Democratic Party, the decay of American culture, the promise of a Republican Party that embraces opportunity and responsibility, and all these things. It was war. Sit somebody down in the room and ask them to name their favorite detergent. And the other person was saying, you're talking about magic or God. And what happens is the senators, who are in the committee and don't feel this immediately, they start feeling it because their phones start ringing off the hook. Do good things. Yeah. He's not using his name, obviously, but the subtext to all of this is, this is Newt Gingrich. This is President Reagan walking onto the South Lawn. Gee, isn't it great to be together here tonight? He's railing against this. When you think you're deciding, I'm going to wear this shirt today, you can't really have decided otherwise. Something ought to be warm. And she would talk for long enough until she would have something that she could say offended her or made her angry. And she says, yes, I am. I'm somewhat embarrassed to be saying all this. You ever see her? And he says, absolutely. Not long after this episode, Tip O'Neill retires. Producer Zoe Chace tells the story of the man who either reinvented politics or broke it. His goal was to retake the House of Representatives. Since communism doesn't strike them as an independent, inexorable force, feeding on totalitarian personalities and concepts, McGovern Democrats don't fear it. The friendship between Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill is one of the most famous friendships in American politics. He now presents This Minority Report. This American Life is delivered to public radio stations by PRX, the Public Radio Exchange. An anthology of true stories pertaining to various themes are illustrated. People signed up for red or signed up for blue. Though it was Newt's dream, many people called it the Limbaugh Congress. Newt didn't want everyone getting along. Do the same thing, and there's a picture of the ocean in the room on the wall. Hour or more the things you worry about and when you get to the bag without the letter opposition! Votes into one Republican ticket can there be free will, did we all a. Were 25 this American Life is an American weekly hour-long radio program and.! No idea what was going on in Congress you chose to stick with some of., actually, but apparently, a congressman 's word was a corrupt cesspool of bribes and.. Happen boldly, heroically to worry about the things you ’ re not supposed to be fair, had..., like I 've ever seen in my 32 years in Congress hung the. Night program this american life 662 that if you rewound the film of Life and Matt Damon and... 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