I dropped a leaf in a pot of soil about 6 months ago and it is 5 inches tall and has 3 other 1-3 inch plants now growing in the pot. I’d cut it down so there’s only about 2-4″ of stem below the leaves. Jade plant propagation is super easy, and there are a few methods that you can use. Jade plant leaf cuttings correct (top 3) and incorrect (bottom 2). I’ll also try pruning it and propagating the stems. Do I need to add something to the soil to stabilize the growing plant? Step 2: Fill your container with soil – Loosely fill a container with your soil mixture. Before I jump into showing you how to propagate a jade plant, you may want to collect some supplies first. If the stem on a jade cutting is super long and curved like you said, then I will trim it down so it’s easier to put into the pot. Once the roots have grown about two inches, you can repot your new little jade plant! Root growth on jade plant cutting after 4 weeks. Propagating Jade using both methods is easy, but using stems is a faster and a more successful method. Just enough to be moist to the touch but not soggy. Jade plants grow to the size their root system allows, often reaching three feet. While some recommend fertilizing often during the growing season, others recommend only fertilizing once a growing season. Related Post: Plant Propagation: A Detailed Guide For Beginners. Fertilize jade plants with a water-soluble fertilizer designed for houseplants once every … Propagating a jade plant | From stems or leaves! You can multiply your plant to give away or to expand you own collection! Prune off dead or shriveled branches. Jade plant leaf propagation is definitely possible, and it’s fun to experiment. I am thinking i should water. Gorelick, R. (2015). (Here's the post on it: Taking care of Mealy Bug). It certainly won’t hurt to allow them to dry out for a few days before trying to root them. You could use anything as the stake, whatever is tall and sturdy enough (a pencil or chopstick might even do the trick). But it may take longer in a very humid environment. So keep that in mind before you go propagating a bunch of jade plant leaves. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A jade plant cutting will root from the leaf joints all along the stem so the more leaf joints you have, the better the chances of roots. You can leave the baby plants growing in their pots until they’re large enough to pot up. Put the plant in an area where it receives bright, filtered sunlight, preferably from a south-facing window, for at least four hours a day (more is better). For the project I am gonna Do some propagation of jade cuttings then we pass them out at the Physc department. If the air is super dry, then it will take longer for your cuttings to grow roots. If you’re growing a jade plant from a leaf, then you don’t need to make a hole. Thanks, James. It’s not impossible, though. Allowing jade cuttings to cure before propagating. Unfortunately, jade plants are toxic to cats, dogs, and other animals. Propagating Jade Plants from stems has a much higher success rate than from leaves so if you’ve got a nice bushy plant in need of a prune or a snapped stem you might be in luck! I have always wanted a jade plant and finally bought one a little over a month ago. Don’t water your jade cutting until it has roots. If you want even more jade plants, keep any leaves you pluck. Follow the steps below for rooting a jade plant cutting in soil…. The soil method is the easiest way of propagating jade plant leaves. In this post I will talk about how to grow a jade plant from a leaf or stem cuttings, give you details about how to take a cutting, and show you exactly how to propagate jade plants, step-by-step. It does not need water right now. Once it roots, it’ll start growing upright again. Use clean, sterile clippers or a knife to make the stem cutting. In the right conditions, it usually takes 2-3 weeks the cuttings to start forming roots. Carefully pluck away the leaves from the bottom of the cutting, leaving only a few healthy leaves at the very top. Tip: Stem cuttings that haven’t grown roots yet can start to droop a bit. I am in California, hot no rain for months. Next, learn exactly how to care for your jade plant in my detailed jade plant care guide! Not only that, they will grow a full-sized jade plant quicker than the leaf method. It’s fun, and I love sharing the babies with my friends. This article is going to show you how to fix a leggy jade plant, and to prevent it from stretching in the first place. Once the cutting has roots, you should be able to remove the stake. Plants can be easily propagated from a single leaf. Find yours here, for example. You can also subscribe without commenting. The most important part of jade plant care is proper watering. For instance, if your house is warm and dry, you may have to water more often. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The best thing with jade plant propagation is that it’s quite easy. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Well, you have two different methods to choose from, which we’ll discuss below. 🙂 Let your jade cuttings dry out for a few days, then dust them with rooting hormone right before you stick them into the soil. Fill the pot with well-draining, loose soil. Jade plants can be propagated from stem or leaf cuttings, though it takes several years to get a nice-sized plant from a leaf cutting. Leaves are regularly utilized when the plant is still little and the stems are not yet sufficiently long. Soon enough, it will start to develop roots. Water sparingly and keep a watchful eye on your new jade plant; Stem Cuttings. To get your leaves, you can gently pluck from the stems of a jade plant. Jade plant propagation sounds like it would be hard, but it is super easy! Many times a branch or leaf will break off and start to grow roots in the soil without any help from you. It’s in a 10 inch pot and is growing towards one side and I’m afraid it might topple over. Step 3: Make a hole in the soil for the stem – Next use a pencil or your finger to make a hole in the middle of the rooting mixture for the jade plant cutting. The first step in jade plant propagation is to choose where you want to cut the stem to make a new plant. Keep in mind that it takes it takes a while to get a nice sized jade plant from leaf cuttings. It’s something mostly limited to succulents and semi-succulents. Hey! Hello, I have one jade plant that I call the “Grand Daddy” – he was a tiny little guy given to me at my baby shower. I usually wait until the babies have outgrown their starter pots before transplanting jade plant cuttings into larger pots. The one problem I’ve encountered is how secure the plant is in its pot. Here’s my detailed care guide for more information… How To Care For A Jade Plant. Now, 9 months later I’m repeating the process. Jade plants aren’t too picky, so you can just mix some standard potting soil with a good handful of perlite for added drainage. Oops, sorry for the confusion! You can root leaf or stem pieces, but be warned that leaves will take considerably longer to show any appreciable growth. Through my extensive experience breeding the species of flower, I have found that reproducing from the stem cuttings is a quicker method compared to the leaf cuttings. That way it will be short enough to easily put into a pot, and also stand up straight. After a month, feed jade plants when you water with Miracle-Gro® Succulent Plant Food. Propagating Your Jade Plant You can decide to propagate your Jade from the leaf or stem cuttings. Also with age your jade tree can bloom maybe try fertilizer for that succulent and see if you get some flowers. If you have leaves, whether freshly plucked or fallen, you can use these to create new jade plants to enjoy! I use a standard succulent/cactus soil. Place soil into it and water it. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign. Do make sure the soil dries out between waterings. They naturally occur in arid areas of South-Africa where they’re blasted with plenty of sun every day, after all! As long as the rest of the stem is healthy and fresh, it can grow into a new plant again. The fastest way to get a decent sized jade plant is to grow them from stem cuttings. I am waiting for mine to callus so I avoid rotting the stem cutting I took. According to the ASPCA, symptoms of poisoning include depression, vomiting, and lack of coordination. Jade plants (Crassula ovata) are commonly grown as houseplants not only because they are easy succulents to grow, but they are also seen as an emblem of good luck or prosperity.One of the challenges is keeping them from stretching out between the leaves. Jade plants are succulents and like to be treated as such. If you tend to overwater plants, put your jade plant into a clay pot rather than a plastic pot. I know I need to cut it right at the main branch but wonder if I can further cut it so it’s not so long or if I can plant it deeply the way you would a tomato plant? My son is now almost 19 and headed to college! After that, water the soil and leave it to drain. Jade plants are not too picky, after all. The trick to propagating jade plant is in understanding the right techniques to obtain jade cuttings and then providing them the right conditions to grow. If there are leaves growing down the entire stem, then remove a few sets of leaves. I would love any suggestions from you. I’m a little confused about the process. Plant jade plants in Miracle-Gro® Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix. Related Post: How to Propagate Succulents From Cuttings. Also wanted to say thanks for such detailed instructions. The best way to root jade cuttings is by planting them in soil. Share your jade plant propagation tips in the comments section below. Why vegetative propagation of leaf cuttings is possible in succulent and semi-succulent plants. But, either method is super easy and works great! Then move the whole thing into bright, indirect sunlight. Increase the container size with each repotting. Quick question…do you use the rooting hormone right away or do you let the clipping dry out for a few days first? Jade is one the easiest succulents to grow, indoors as well and I thought of propagating some small cuttings for more projects. Jade plant propagation from leaf or stem cuttings is very easy. You can also take the leaves that get mushy from overwatering. Or not: you can leave it in water as long as you want for something a little different. Haseltonia, 2015(20), 51-57. If you’re pruning your jade plant, save the clippings for propagation. Place the Jade plant either outside on the balcony or on the deck or by an open indoor window to keep the air around it circulating. It’s best to get your Jade cuttings started nice and early on in the spring growing season so they’ve got plenty of time to get established before summers over. Step 1: Dust jade cuttings in rooting hormone – Not only will the cuttings root faster when you use rooting hormone, you’ll have more success with starting a jade plant from cuttings when using it. And perhaps even more importantly, you get to see the roots growing in real time! How to propagate string of hearts | Ceropegia... Propagating Chinese money plant | How to propagate... Propagating fiddle leaf fig | 3 easy methods! If you’ve ever propagated succulents before, you might know that for many species all you need is a single leaf. Water when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil are dry. Once your new plants have successfully rooted and been repotted (if desired), here’s what you need to know to keep them alive and thriving. Let the stem cutting (and any plucked leaves) sit out in a warm, dry area for about three days. They’re one of the best plants to start with if you’ve never done it before. That being said, these guys are pretty hardy. If your jade’s leaves are looking a bit wrinkly, you’ve probably waited too long. Jade cuttings need a warm, humid but well ventilated environment to grow roots. The water method for propagating a jade plant is a favorite for many, since it’s often quicker and easier. The only downside is that you can’t really keep an eye on your cutting’s progress, at least not until new leaf growth starts to appear. This will help prevent rotting of the jade plant cutting. But don’t let them sit for too long or they could shrivel up completely. Jade plant propagation can be done in tropical climates and USDA hardiness zones 10 and 11. Read More... Hi Amy, I’ve recently got hold of some liquid rooting hormone, in the form of a gel, called Roota (made by Baby Bio). However, I would expect that it would work just as well to root your jade cuttings. Use sharp, clean clippers to snip off the stem. Make sure it … You can dip your clippers in rubbing alcohol or wash them with soapy water to sterilize them before cutting jade stems. @2015 - PenciDesign. Coat the callused end of the jade plant cutting with rooting hormone powder. 🙂 Yes, your question totally makes sense, and the short answer is that you could do it either way. They absorb water through their roots, so the aerial roots allow them to get moisture through the air when they aren’t getting enough via the soil. Awesome, glad to hear you found my instructions for propagating jades useful. If you want to learn how to propagate even more of your favorite plants, then my Plant Propagation eBook is for you! The rooting hormone will help the cuttings root faster, and I highly recommend using it. In any case, you should be fine as long as you don’t use plant food during the winter months, as your jade plant won’t be actively growing and can’t use the nutrients you provide. Use mesh or toothpicks to suspend the leaf, preferably in a small shot glass. Stem cuttings are performed by removing a section of stem or branch from a parent plant and allowing the cut bit to root to create a new plant. I’m a passionate gardener who loves growing everything from vegetables, herbs, and flowers to succulents, tropicals, and houseplants - you name, I've grown it! The only thing you need to do from that point is change out the water once or twice a week. My guess is that they need to be watered. Jade plants can be propagated from stem or leaf cuttings. With the water method, once your stem cutting has healed, just pop it into a glass or vase of water. Select a … Oh how fun, congrats on your new jade plant. Thanks. This is so that the damaged edge from the cut has a chance to heal and callus, which will make it less susceptible to rot. Yes, you could prune off the parts that are leggy, and try propagating them if you want. No matter what method you use, be prepared for a bit of a wait since it can take two to three weeks to start seeing roots. While you can just stick one in soil and it will grow, rooting jade in water is fun & quicker too. Otherwise, if you just want to take a cutting specifically for propagating, here’s how…. Choose a wide and sturdy pot with a moderate depth, as jade plants have a tendency to grow top-heavy and fall over. General potting soil alone is usually too heavy for propagating a jade plant, and can cause the cuttings to rot. . I cured my stem for 7-10 days and then waited about 3-4 weeks before lightly watering my potted cutting. Professionals say small jade plants should be repotted every two or three years, while larger plants can wait four or five years. You wait for 1 month until the Jade releases roots, and then you water it twice a month. Be careful though, they don’t need very much humidity. You’ll have lots of new babies to share with your friends. Outdoor jade plants thrive in full sun. When doing jade plant propagation, the stem cutting method is often the easiest and most successful way to go about it. You can do the water method for your leaf cuttings. The Jade plant is known for its ease of propagation. You got it and didn’t have to try. A public walkway along side property is lined with large jade plants.I am afraid they will die. If you chose to propagate in soil things can be even slower, as you have no way of seeing what’s going on underground. Jade plants like a bit of heat, doing well in the 70s (or 20s Celsius). Or, like you said, simply stake it in place until it has roots. Most plants can’t be propagated from just leaves. In this video, I am going to show you how to grow Jade plant from cutted leaves or branch. And did you know that propagating a jade plant is also super easy? Use your finger or stick to poke a hole in the soil. Hi! Remove the lower, mature leaves and allow the cut end to dry and form a callous. Don’t let the pruned parts of the jade go to waste! If a leaf is all you have to work with, or you want to give this method a try, here’s how to get started. Grand Daddy has lots of offspring even though he’s pretty gnarled since I didn’t know how to properly prune him. How To Propagate Jade Plant From Cuttings The fastest way to get a decent sized jade plant is to grow them from stem cuttings. Use a soil that will drain thoroughly, as excessive moisture may promote fungal diseases like root rot. Three years ago, I rescued a Jade plant which was abandoned in an office corner - covered in mealy bug. And perhaps even more importantly, you get to see the roots growing in real time! This is normal, but if yours looks like it’s about to fall over, you can use a stick or something similar to prop it up. I’ve had my jade plant for close to 20 years now, and I have propagated it many, many times over. Find out everything you need to know about propagation a jade plant to expand your Crassula army. If you’re planning to use the leaves for jade plant propagation, carefully break off each leaf. The first step you can do is to take the healthy part of the stem by cutting and separating the broken part. Planting jade cuttings in propagation soil. The key is Literally to leave it completely alone. Yes, pruning it will definitely help it fill out and become bushier. To take stem cuttings: Choose a stem that is at least 4-5″ tall How Jade Propagates Commonly, Jade Plant is propagated from cuttings. My brand new book Vertical Vegetables is now available for purchase!! Your exact watering schedule will depend on a number of factors. Fertilize. Jade plants are extremely easy to propagate during the warmest months of the year. Gorelick, R. (2015). Your email address will not be published. Jade plants may be propagated, or rooted, using stems or leaves. I’m not sure whether it works as well as the powder type. Propagating Jade Plants. Did you know you can buy rooted jade plant cuttings online? All Right Reserved. If you don’t want to mix your own, you can use a commercial succulent soil mix, or a gritty succulent soil mix to propagate your jade plant clippings. Honestly, I have never tried the gel myself. Did you know? If you’re wondering how long it takes for jade cuttings to grow roots… well, that depends on the environment they’re in. I am just waiting for Spring to propagate one of my jade plants. I live and garden in Minneapolis, MN (zone 4b). Gently place the cutting into the hole so the rooting hormone won’t rub off. Because jade vines grow rapidly and have pendant flowers, be sure to provide them with sturdy support. Sprout leaves by placing them into a succulent or cacti mix, then covering the dish until they sprout. An all-purpose potting mix will work, though you will want to mix in additional perlite to improve drainage. I am getting ready to take a cutting to send with my son to his college dorm. Giving it a gentle twist can help. When you say it’s growing towards one side, do you mean it’s reaching for the window? BONUS STEP: If you have some on hand, you can dip the cutting in. As long as you keep them dry and absolutely avoid exposing them to frost, lower temperatures shouldn’t be too much of an issue. If you just leave it completely alone it will grow. You’re welcome. Ideally, the flowers are best viewed from underneath, but the plants can also be grown up a vertical structure and the flower clusters will hang down among the leaves as bright splashes of color. If the cuttings will get too much humidity, they will die usually takes 2-3 weeks cuttings! Well to root jade cuttings then we pass them out at the Physc department, water soil... And leaf cuttings cutting can stand up straight just as well to root your jade is. Summer is the perfect time for jade cuttings, a portion of a healthy stem should be cut above node... Commonly, jade plants in a light, sandy soil that will thoroughly., they don ’ t let them sit for too long or they could shrivel up.... Most popular succulents out there, the stem in order for the window stem should repotted... To come up with ways of keeping the leaves on the soil dries between... The jade plant can be re-potted to make the switch to a regular succulent watering schedule to. 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